domingo, 4 de dezembro de 2016

Aventuras de Pedro, o grão de pólen

I'm so excited to present to you my first book totally illustrated by me! This project couples science communication, illustration  and children storytelling in order to raise awareness to Plant Biology. This was a collaboration with Prof. Rui Malhó, from F.C.U.L. (Lisbon, Portugal). The book was edited by By The Book (

"Pedro é um grão de pólen, produzido numa pequena flor, que vai iniciar uma grande aventura."

Pedro is a small pollen grain, produced in a small flower, starting a big adventure! 

domingo, 8 de maio de 2016

One more time with live models :)

domingo, 13 de março de 2016

Adriana e Victor no Desenho Crú

Another excellent night at the Desenho Crú in Lisbon! A night full of music and drawings:)
Thank you very much Victor and Adriana!